The best way to leverage the automation and predictive power of Cortex is to turn on all the lifecycle stages as soon as you can (and we automate a lot of the typical ESP rule setting requirements to make this easier). However, Cortex is also designed to provide you the maximum flexibility to create the lifecycle campaigns you need for your business.
If you're not sure exactly what stages you should start with first, we've put together some handy playbooks that can get you up and running. But don't stop after a playbook is done! Keep turning on more stages and experimenting with different content ideas throughout the year.
The Playbooks:
Top of the Funnel: for marketers who are focused on optimizing the acquisition funnel
Show Me the Money: the quickest way to maximize revenue with the minimum amount of stages
Trigger Happy: get all your triggers up and running so Cortex can respond to your customers' actions
Saved by the (AI) Bell: win back your At Risk and Churned customers with our predictive churn model
A Nurturing Environment: slow and steady education of some passive customers will pay dividends in the long term
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