When you upload a list, each entry is evaluated during processing:
- If the user does not exist, a new user will be created with the data from your file
- If the user already exists, their data will be updated according to the file
Cortex is an automated marketing platform; new users will be put in queue for "New To Your Brand" and will start being evaluated for sends to other stages.
Note: List upload users will not receive a transactional welcome email.
To reach these users with special messaging you'll want to control their data when you upload your list:
For example:
- If you upload a list and set your users' account_created_on values to one week in the past, Cortex will no longer try to send new to your brand messaging to these customers.
- If you upload a list and set a specific registration_source for your list you can segment a specific New To Your Brand template for those users.
- If you upload a list and set a date_unsubscribed for your users, they will only receive transactional messaging from Cortex.
List uploads can be used to set the following user properties:
- account_created_on (YYYY-MM-DD format required)
- date_unsubscribed (YYYY-MM-DD format required, any date will unsubscribe the user)
- full_name
- address1
- address2
- city
- state
- zip
- country
- phone
- birthday
- gender
- registration_source
- ip_address
Please note that the user record_id cannot be set or updated through the in-app tools.
Need more help? See these articles:
If you have any questions about how to control the messaging your new users receive, submit a request to the support team.
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