Setting up user behavior tracking on Shopify is simple with Retention Science. Real-time event tracking is implemented by inserting our JavaScript snippets into your Shopify theme. This guide shows you how to update our JavaScript code into Liquid, Shopify’s templating language.
- Navigate to Shopify Sales Channel Themes > Click action > Edit code.
- In the file tree, under the Snippets folder, click resci-main.v1.liquid. The snippet already contains the tracking code for the following events:
- Regular Page View JavaScript Event
- Item Page View JavaScript Event
- Shopping Cart View JavaScript Event
- Search Javascript Event
- Implement support for the 'Email Capture Event.' Be sure to update the code highlighted in red:
- Paste the 'md5.js' tracking script tag after <!-- ReSci start ... -->.
<!-- ReSci start (Inserted on: 2020-10-19 17:04:25 UTC -->
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> - Paste your updated 'Email Capture' code just before the /*** ReSci Script ***/ comment. The code should be updated to match your site and specific element names.
<!-- ReSci start (Inserted on: 2020-10-19 17:04:25 UTC --> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> window._rsq = window._rsq || []; window._rsq.push(['_setSiteId', '123']); // Your unique ReSci ID window._rsq.push(['_enableOnsite']); {% if customer %} window._rsq.push(['_setUserId', '{{ }}']); window._rsq.push(['_setUserEmail', '{{ }}']); {% endif %} /*** Item View Event ***/ {% if == 'product' and product %} {% if %} window._rsq.push(['_addItem', {'id': '{{}}'}]); {% endif %} {% if == '' %} window._rsq.push(['_addItem', {'id': '{{}}'}]); {% endif %} {% endif %}
/*** Cart View Event ***/ {% if == 'cart' %} {% for item in cart.items %} window._rsq.push(['_addItem', { 'id':'{{ }}', 'name':"{{ item.title }}", 'price':'{{ item.price | money_without_currency }}' }]); {% endfor %} window._rsq.push(['_setAction', 'shopping_cart']); {% endif %}
/*** Search View Event ***/ {% if == 'search' and search.performed %} window._rsq.push(['_setAction', 'search']) ; window._rsq.push(['_setParams', { 'term': '{{ search.terms }}'}]); {% endif %} window._rsq.push(['_track']); /*** Email Capture Event ***/
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(_rsq){ document.getElementById("email_signup").addEventListener("submit", function(){ // update the param within getELementById to the ID name of the email capture form
var uEmail = document.getElementById('k_id_email').value;
// update the param getELementById to the ID name of the email input window._rsq.push(['_setUserEmail', uEmail]); window._rsq.push(['_setUserProperties', { 'record_id': md5(uEmail.toLowerCase()),'email':uEmail, 'registration_source':'footer'}]); // (Optional) You can pass any ReSci standard user data point window._rsq.push(['_setAction', 'email_entered']); window._rsq.push(['_track']); }); });
/*** ReSci Script ***/ (function() {
var rScix = document.createElement('script'); rScix.type = 'text/javascript'; rScix.async = true; rScix.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + ''; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(rScix); })(); </script> <!-- ReSci end -->
Double-check your website and form behavior: The email_entered action creates a user who is opted-in to email, after which the user can only be unsubscribed. Make sure that the user has a chance to explicitly opt-in before your forms trigger this action. |
Please proceed to add the checkout success event by clicking the link below:
- Instructions to implement Checkout Success Javascript
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