If you landed a handful of leads through one of your outreach campaigns, it's time to upload those users into Cortex and reach out to them with their first email! Because Cortex is an automated email platform, users are evaluated for Cortex emails within an hour of your upload. This article will walk you through those rules so you can email your new users with the correct targeted content.
Cortex naturally prioritizes your Welcome stage emails, and ranks those stages above bulk sends like a Smart Blast. This means Cortex will refuse to send your Smart Blast to a brand new list of users, until they have received your New To Your Brand messaging.
How can we work around this? There are three options.
Create a New To Your Brand email with segmented content
Use a Promo Blast
Unlike the rules regarding Smart Blasts, a Promo Blast is not affected by this and can send to new users regardless of how new the user account is.
You can create a segment that includes the "Users in Segment" filter, as shown below. Add each of the segments that contain your new users, and then apply it to a Promo Blast.
Back-date the users
Another option is to back-date the users as we upload them.
New To Your Brand messaging is based on the account_created_on date. By back-dating the account_created_on date for your list, you can skip the welcome stages entirely. Set your dates a minimum of one week in the past for this method.
Note: These users will be placed in the Needs Nurturing Stage. To avoid sending them Needs Nurturing messages, please make sure you create your segments accordingly.
Create a New To Your Brand email with segmented content
We can work with Cortex, and place segmented content in the New To Your Brand stage for these users to receive as they move through Cortex.
You can set a specific registration_source for your list, following the example below, so that you can segment a specific New To Your Brand template for those users.
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