Cortex uses Javascript to track user behavior on site. This helps the system build behavior profiles to fuel our recommendation engine, determine which users to send "abandon" stages, and more. This article will walk you through the steps required to investigate the Retention Science javascript using the Chrome browser.
- In Chrome, right-click anywhere on the page and click Inspect.
- Select Network.
- Check the "preserve log" box.
- Type "Wave" into the search bar.
- Select the wave from the menu on the left and inspect the wave actions under the "headers" tab.
Each wave will have the action listed at the end. Waves can contain "email_entered", "view", "click", "search", "shopping_cart", or "checkout_success" actions. The example below is for a shopping cart action.
{"version":"1.0","site_id":"238","referrer_uri":"","arrival_time":1495670882673,"arrival_uri":"","page_title":"Your Cart - Action Figures, Toys, Bobble Heads, and Collectibles at Entertainment Earth","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36","language":"en-US","fingerprint":"dca9d4ef8142442696990ebbdfdc1aab","rsci_vid":"ac00dd60-7820-89cd-adb9-59cead305ef1","items":[{"id":"UTCG90306"}],"action":"shopping_cart"}
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