Understanding Your Users File Format:
Your user information needs to follow a specific format to be picked up by the FTP importer.
It must be saved in the proper file type, .csv or .tsv (ask tech support which type you need!)
It must be named correctly, beginning with: users (e.g. users.csv, users_giveaway_signups.csv, users_new_users_2017_02_08.csv etc).
Important! This is case sensitive, it must be users not Users or USERS)
It must use the correct column headers, and must include the required columns
The accepted column headers are:
- record_id
- email (REQUIRED)
- account_created_on (REQUIRED, YYYY-MM-DD format required)
- date_unsubscribed (YYYY-MM-DD format required, any date will unsubscribe the user)
- full_name
- address1
- address2
- city
- state
- zip
- country
- phone
- birthday
- gender
- registration_source
Formatting your data in a spreadsheet:
Step One
Determine which pieces of information can be imported. Remove all data that cannot be imported.
This is information in the default mailchimp export format, most of these columns are not supported and none of the column headers are correct.
The columns have that can be imported have been identified (in green) and marked with the correct column headers, and the columns that cannot be imported have been marked for deletion (in red)
The data has been reduced to the necessary columns
(see bottom of article for full_name column instructions)
Step Two
Rename your column headers to the appropriate supported names
Format all dates to YYYY-MM-DD format
How To Format Dates in Excel
Step Three
Include any missing required columns
Step Four
Confirm your file type with technical support (click here or email help@retentionscience.com)
Save your file(s) with the appropriate name and file type
File > Save as
For .csv choose "Comma Separated Values (.csv)"
.tsv is not supported by excel
Google Sheets
File > Download as
For .csv choose "Comma-separated values"
For .tsv choose "Tab-separated values"
File > save as > .csv file type
For .csv file import use ',' for Field delimeter
For .tsv file import use '{Tab}' for Field delimeter
Do not quote text cells
Save cell content as shown
For .tsv, rename your .csv file to use .tsv
Step Five
Be sure to include blank copies for additional required files. Ask tech support if your importer requires additional files or if you need copies of blank files to include.
Bonus Step: Merging First Name and Last Name to full_name
Retention Science does not support separate first name and last name user information, and requires an import of full name user information.
To combine these strings create a new column, and put "full_name" in the header. Use the formula CONCATENATE(col1;" ";col2) to combine your first and last name columns with a space between them.
Copy this formula down for all the rows in your table.
Save your file as a .CSV (do not save as .xslx or .odf or any other "standard spreadsheet" file format)
Close and re-open the document from the .csv file. (this will remove the concatenate function and leave only the final values)
Delete your First Name and Last Name columns
Save as .csv again
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