We use JavaScript to track user activity on your store's website as they click through pages and take shopping actions, such as adding an item to their cart. It's important to understand the various trackable JavaScript actions, including the actions that require tracking, in order to complete your onboarding process.
Add To Cart
The add to cart action tracks individual items as they are added to a shopping cart. This implementation is optional and usually redundant to the Shopping Cart action.
Checkout Success
The checkout success action tells us when a user completes a purchase, which helps us to ensure that emails like Cart Abandon are not sent to the wrong users. The checkout success action is strongly recommended, but not required, because order information serves the same purpose.
Email Entered
The email entered action tracks user submissions to an account creation or email signup form. At this time we expect user signups to come through API calls, so the email_entered Javascript is optional.
Item View
The item view action tells us which items your customers are looking at in the store. This is used to power the Browse Abandon stage and is used to measure item popularity for recommendations.
Important: This is a required action. |
The search action sends back search keywords when users submit a form or land on a search results page, and is required to power the Search Abandon stage. Not all stores have a search feature so this action is not required.
Shopping Cart
The shopping cart action sends back the contents of a user’s cart when they add an item to cart, view their cart, or refresh their cart contents. This is required to power the Cart Abandon stage.
Important: This is a required action, except for Shopify integrations. |
The view action helps us track user engagement with your website to determine their general interest in your brand.
Important: This is a required action. |
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