The Android SDK contains methods to track events in a mobile application and transmit them to Retention Science servers. Any Android application can leverage the methods provided by this SDK if they want to track different events being triggered on their application (e.g. an e-commerce application can track events like - click, shopping_cart, checkout_success, etc.).
How the Retention Science SDK works
The SDK has a main queue that events are added to via the “track” methods. A single low priority & spaced out thread pulls items off the queue and a small thread pool has available threads for processing and the HTTP POST request.
Some events are also cached to disk (based on HTTP failure & an extended queue length) and are re-sent on the next application restart.
Some of the methods allow custom configurations of the SDK, but generally speaking, the only methods used are “initializeWithSiteId”, “track”, “setUserId” and “setDeviceIdSource”.
The HTTP post method transmits the items in the queue to the server.
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